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Who need this apps?
I believe that most of you experienced the following situation as Long as you ever travel around the globe. We can’t help if you are travelling to moon, but if you are travelling within earth, the following situation might be describing just you.
1) Frequent traveller and always have leftover foreign currency notes upon arriving home ground.
2) Travellers who run out of foreign currency notes and need to exchange the currency notes urgently but can’t find any money changer service providers.
3) Want to do exchange at a better rate
Well, with our apps, I believe that we can help you to resolve the above issues.

How we operate?
This is an apps that need users feedback as well as users participation. Therefore we hope you can give us feedback and refer your friends & family to use this apps. The more users the better experience you will get!

Is it FREE?
Yes! Download our apps for free now and start using our services. All feedbacks are welcomed so we can enhance our user experience